

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Playlist to Cure the End of Summer Blues

A Playlist to Cure the End of Summer Blues

“I couldn’t imagine having whack taste in music, my goodness.” — my beloved roommate, Celina.

All bullshit aside, as much as I am not a fan of summer, she’s always been one of transformation and growth. If it weren’t for the summer 2018 where I decided to take a leap of faith and move-in to an apartment with ex-coworkers that I barely knew, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t have made it through my short-lived break-up with my person and I wouldn’t have seen how important community is in the good and in the bad.

find you a roommate/friend who will feed you when your hands are covered in butter/Ol’ Bay from The Boil

find you a roommate/friend who will feed you when your hands are covered in butter/Ol’ Bay from The Boil

Let’s cue in my girl, Celina. Celina is my 2nd Libra sister in this life that truly has become a tour de force in my life and in my community. Through her and our other roommate, Lanna, I have felt continued support, built stronger pillars of open communication and in turn have become true friends. In the last year, we’ve shared so much together and out of that we built a strong bond and even moved with each other into a new space and borough. It’s been quite the adventure, but to say less, I’m blessed.


One of the many things we love to share together is music and Celina is always finding gems and creating playlists. So why not bless y’all with a little something that Celina put together just for! Here’s a playlist of ultra-vibey and certified bangers to cure the end of Summer blues.

Feel free to follow her on Apple Music, she’s always putting together some really great playlists based on moods and things. I’m going to be featuring more of these too because it’s just too good not to share her ear for good music. Hope you enjoy!


Get Ready with Me -- Morning Beauty Routine

Get Ready with Me -- Morning Beauty Routine

The Tales of a Thrift-a-holic

The Tales of a Thrift-a-holic