

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

Get Ready with Me -- Morning Beauty Routine

Get Ready with Me -- Morning Beauty Routine

Alright, I don’t normally talk about this #onhere (ha!) but I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching beauty videos on Youtube and Vogue’s “Beauty Secrets” series (this one is my favorite thus far bc of how in depth). Now, I am not the biggest makeup fan, but throw on a Desi Perkins or Bretman Rock video and I am hooked. My face routine in terms of how I take care of it has changed drastically the older I’ve gotten and so has the health of my face. I’ve gone from tons of dark marks on my face because of picking and popping, to 98% clear skin and it’s taken a lot of self-care to finally reach this level. “WhY 98% oLiBiA? tHaT’s SoOo SpEciFiC,” and let me tell you why. My skin is a constant work-in-progress and there are times when I can’t dictate how my skin will react to things in the environment, so those little baby breakouts now or hives that I can’t control make up that other 2%. But this all goes to say, my morning routine is a labor of love and what works for me, might not work for you. Either way everything I use is listed below!

Easy as that.

September Shmoodboard

September Shmoodboard

A Playlist to Cure the End of Summer Blues

A Playlist to Cure the End of Summer Blues