

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

May Shmoodboard

May Shmoodboard

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month!

And I’m not going to lie to you guys, as I have been entering into this month with a little more mindfulness, I want to drop a small shmoodboard filled with color and fun for those who need a little visual stimulation. As days become filled with more sunshine outside, the more colors I wanna see around me too. Since this month is all about Mental Health Awareness, I have been trying to include my own self-kindness journaling to bringing depth into my days. Sometimes finding what it is I’m grateful for or what it is I want to get out of my days gets clouded and harder to do when I am having hard weeks. Seeing the “sunshine” peaking behind those grey clouds becomes just a tiny bit easier when I see there’s a bit more meaning in the mundane. I found some prompts on Pinterest and decided to incorporate them into my bullet journal so I could turn to them every morning on my commute and in the evening at home when I spend a little time on myself. I’ve combined prompts from two pins and just in case you’re like me and need a little push to get you out of a little funk I’m going to share with you those links! For my morning and evening journaling, I got the prompts from this pin here and my monthly/yearly prompts from this pin. What works for me, doesn’t mean it will necessarily work for you, but there are tons of different prompts to help redirect your mental space into something more positive!*

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled visual stimulation!



*I'm not a licensed professional, so my suggestions are those based off personal experience and are only suggestions. If it's an emergency in which you or someone you know is suicidal, you should immediately call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room. If you’re in need of finding a therapist, please contact your healthcare provider, do some research on who/what they specialize in and find someone who works to help you feel your best. I know my childhood therapist who saw me into my well late teens was a true lifesaver and it was worth knowing there was someone in my corner when I felt like nothing. And check on your strong friends, too! Just because they’re always there for you, let them know you’re there for them too.*

June Shmoodboard

June Shmoodboard

28 Years in Reflection

28 Years in Reflection