

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

It's been a while...

It's been a while...

Sorry for neglecting this space for quite some time.

I suppose that since the panini went into affect things have been all topsy turvy for me in general. I went from working from home one day and being able to visit my WeWork to only working from home and being inside 24/7 with my roommate and only leaving for groceries, laundry or getting tested. Now we’ve made it past that with our vaccinations and sense of some security — I’ve been working more outside with people, traveling a bit for work and have managed some slight fun this summer while being mindful.

Nonetheless, being home so much and hardly seeing friends or family, I got a lot of personal work done. Purchased a peloton bike, did some small shadow work, worked on my self-love and what that looks like for me, ensured my people were good and that communication never faltered even when days were tough. I have been setting boundaries and having them respected. I have been exploring platonic loves and my gratitude on the daily for myself and others.

I’m not sure what the rest of the year will bring, but so far year 31 has been one of putting into action the things I’ve learned about myself and how I want my relationships (platonic, familial, romantic) to be — and it’s been love.

Not sure if I’ll come back here often, but I figured I’d write an update.

Hope all is well — love always and forever.


Summer 2023 Bucketlist

Summer 2023 Bucketlist

Apartment Transformation - My Living Room

Apartment Transformation - My Living Room