

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

Photo Diary: New Orleans

Photo Diary: New Orleans

I have been traveling non-stop it feels like recently. I went to Orlando for work, went back to NYC for a day, then right on back down to Mississippi and Louisiana. Where am I headed to next? I have three days in NYC before traveling out again to Las Vegas for work. Talk about a hectic summer!

Anyway, hereโ€™s a small little photo diary from my trip to New Orleans. My partner and I went around the French Quarter and had some delicious beignets before meeting up with a friend of his that gave us the most official unofficial tour of New Orleans ever. It was the most amazing time!



August Shmoodboard

August Shmoodboard

Photo Diary: Singapore and Japan

Photo Diary: Singapore and Japan