

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

Photo Diary: Barcelona


Barça, oh Barça!

Second part of my Euro trip gone mad...

Shit you not, this was the most magical part of my trip. This was the part of my trip where it donned on me I wasn't anywhere near home and was all the way ready to leave it. Y'all I love New York, truly with all my heart, but Barcelona? Maaaaan... I can't say if it were the sheer tenacity of the people to be their own (Catelunya) with their independent/rebel flags waving from the balconies, to the graffiti covered walls in the shadiest of alleys in the Gothic Quarter, to the delicious food and spirit that blankets the city. I was under the city's spell for sure. Going to let the pictures do most of the talking here...


I spent the second day exploring and running it up with my partner and it was just as exhausting as it was beautiful and exciting. Antoni Gaudí's architectural masterpieces around the city of Barcelona not only gave me life, but left me speechless. La Sagrada Familia won't even be finished for another eight years, y'all! His passion for the cathedral and his work is still alive! That's inspiring as hell man. Seeing Casa Batlló, Casa Mila, La Sagrada Familia and Park Guell finally in person was surreal.

on a sidenote, final note: A, I know you're reading this and I just want you to know that this trip wouldn't have been nearly as fun if I had gone alone. You make discovering new places all the more wonderful. Thank you for making 28 all the sweeter and for being my patient personal photographer. xxoxo

besitos y abrazos


Photo Diary: The Netherlands