

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

Perry Aye

Summer is coming to a close and with it the days are bringing lovely warm sun with a breeze instead of its disgustingly humid heat. I live for this weather! This summer I haven't been posting as much as I could have considering the stickiness isn't something I really enjoy. Buuuutttt I have gotten out of my nicely cooled apartment to enjoy this beautiful weather we're having to shoot recently. Popped into Kinfolk meanwhile to grab a bite and check out the shop with my shooter, Vivian, her person, Lauren, and my cousin, Nicole.

What I'm Wearing: Noah Human Rights long sleeve shirt, black ripped jean shorts, Converse One Star sneakers, Chinatown Market black hat (no longer available).

Special sneak appearances by Lauren and my cousin's arm (lol).


Shut Them Up