

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

New Beginnings

I'd like to think that in this wonky universe everything still happens for a reason. With that being said, I have moved back to Brooklyn after a year of living in NJ for what I thought would be best for me. Turns out, I should have never left where I knew I belonged! Crazy how life twists and turns and shows you what you're capable of doing and you know what? I'm grateful that I was even able to move under short circumstances and that my support system is infallible.

I've been slowly getting my room/apartment together and more organized as I reaaaally have to maximize every inkling of space possible. It's a work in progress, as I'm waiting for my bedframe to get delivered and such, but soon come! I too will be sharing how I maximize my closet space, since now it's been cut to nearly a quarter to what I had in NJ...

Either way, thought I'd post some quick flicks of me + my new place. Shoutouts to my coworker, Lauren, who helped me put up my posters and take these photos with me in my room.