

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!


Coming off a pretty decent birthday month, I'm actually pretty excited for May. My cousin (who is like my sister) is moving toward the end of the month (as you probably already know from my last post) and then I have different friends coming from out of the country and home to visit. It's gonna be a good kick off to this summer. Here's my shmoodboard for the month featuring some things I *wish* I owned, bright moods I'm loving (thanks to Twitter/IG personality, Justlivinbby), and some things I want rn from some local brands (Miami and NYC) and then some.

may shmoodboard.png


5 Things I Hold Tried and True After Moving to NYC

27 Lessons I've Learned So Far