

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

Into the Woods

Hi everyone! Welcome to my mini-Ted Talk.

I don’t often talk about the specific ongoings of my personal life on here very often, but I feel that after Mac Miller’s overdose last weekend it is imperative to bring to light what I go through in order for anyone who might need the help and is too scared to reach out.

As someone who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder/manic depression at 15, going through very high, highs and very low, lows, is a large part of my life. The highs always feel like I’m unstoppable and they can last for weeks or months at a time. But my lows feel like I’m going into the Forbidden Forest and dementors are on the loose. It’s dark, everything feels cold and as if everything light and beautiful in life feels unattainable for a long time. All of this, as it’s taken me such a long time to accept is okay — it is a part of me that with awareness and patience I can grow.

​In both lightest or darkest of times, my style reflects both heavily. As I go into and through the woods this time around, I’ve been feeling the greatest need to blend in and hide with my surroundings. Not easy to admit, especially when I’m writing on a blog I primarily keep around to share with my lovely readers (you), my fits and things related, but necessary. Out of self-preservation, I feel the need to hide the most and sometimes that’s why the posts come few and far in between. But here we are, sharing, in lieu of the tragedy that was the death of Mac Miller and in awareness that he wasn’t/isn’t the only one hurting out there. 

 it’s okay to be sad and it’s okay to let others know you are too. but if you need help, do not be afraid to ask. and to the family and friends of mine that have been with me through the highs and lows, thank you for being my shoulders to cry on and source of light when I cannot find it in myself. 

