

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, streetstyle, and creativity through moodboards. Hope you have a nice stay!

And We're Back!

And We're Back!

I'm back, you beautiful people!

After a very long creative slump - turned blog hack - turned to finding the root of my inspiration again. A lot has happened since I've been away and even bigger than that -- I have moved on from Styling Liv to Just Liv. I not only want to make it easier for you to find me via social media (i.e., Insta and Snapchat) but to be honest, this is a blog about being just me. Our twenties are about finding ourselves and the beautiful thing about living in this city on my own, I have had a lot of time and moments that have helped me grow more comfortable to be myself. I'm staying true to what I love and doing more of what I love too. 

photos by John B.

photos by John B.

This is a space chronicling my kind of cozy in this crazy thing called life and the dope shit I get to do from time-to-time. Hope you enjoy!

Cozy Girlz x Cherry Collab

Cozy Girlz x Cherry Collab